Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Equipment To Start A Bakery

Equipment to Start a Bakery

Running a bakery takes a lot of hard work, but the endeavor can be rewarding. When preparing to open a new bakery, a person will have to find a location, make sure it meets all codes and secure money for baking supplies and equipment. Bakery equipment can be very expensive. One way to avoid some of the expenses is to buy the equipment used. Another way to save money is to start with the bare basics, and add the frills later when business picks up.

Counters and Work Tables

Large counters or sturdy work tables are a necessity for making product in a bakery. Bakers will do a lot of their work there. The table will be used for making bread, rolling out fondants and pastry dough and for shaping cookies. Decorating cakes and cookies will also be performed in this area. Some counters come with a refrigeration unit built in under the surface. This cold surface allows delicate dough to stay cool while working.


A sturdy industrial-size mixer is another piece of equipment that will be used on a regular basis. Small mixers can be used with moderation, but they will burn out too fast to make them profitable when making large amounts of food. Bread and roll dough, doughnut and cake batter and frosting made in large batches will require a strong mixer that can stand up to repeated use.

Ovens and Fryers

The size and type of oven needed in a bakery will vary depending on the finished product offered. Convection ovens are most commonly used for breads, rolls, cookies and pastries. If your bakery will produce doughnuts and other fried foods, you'll also need a fryer. The fryer will allow large batches of fried pastries such as fritters to be made at one time. A fryer with a lid will prevent the hot oil from splattering when in use, and will also protect the oil when not in use.

Food Racks and Baking Trays

After the pastries and breads are baked or fried, they'll need to rest on a food rack. These racks are also known as bakery racks and will hold dozens of trays at a time. They'll be used to hold trays of cooling cookies, doughnuts that are decorated and waiting for the icing to harden and backup pastries awaiting their turn in the bakery showcase. Because they have wheels, the carts can be rolled around as needed and can even be moved into a walk-in freezer or refrigerator with ease.

Refrigerators and Display Cases

The size of refrigerator needed will depend upon the size of the business. A freestanding, industrial-size unit will work for a smaller operation. A walk-in unit will allow large amounts of product to be stocked and in some cases, carts of finished pastries to be stored and cooled. Display cases will provide an attractive showcase of the baked goods for customers to see.

Tags: allow large, bakery will, Equipment Start, Equipment Start Bakery, large amounts