Sunday, November 2, 2014

Use An Electric Corn Grinder

Use an Electric Corn Grinder

An electric corn grinder, or corn mill, is used for a variety of purposes. It is a valuable kitchen appliance and grinds both wet and dry ingredients. Nixtamal, spices, beans, cereal grains, nuts, coffee, and corn are ground for authentic Spanish cooking. The grinder is ideal for making brew mash and masa for tortillas and tamales, but it is not recommended for fine grinding, such as flour for bread. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Clamp the electric corn grinder to the countertop or a table's edge. If the corn mill is small enough, you can store it in a cupboard or kitchen drawer after use.

2. Make sure the grain hopper is clean and the metal burs are adjusted to the correct grind. An electric corn grinder can grind as fine as flour or into barely cracked corn.

3. Place the corn kernels in the hopper. Some corn grinders come with a variety of different-sized hoppers to choose from.

4. Put a bowl or a pan under the grinding plates. Make sure the bowl size is relative to the hopper size. This will prevent grinding a larger amount of corn than you have room for in your bowl. Turn on the motor.

5. Control the grind by adjusting the hand screw on the front of the grinder. Turn the screw clockwise for a finer grind.

Tags: corn grinder, electric corn, electric corn grinder, corn mill, Electric Corn, Make sure