Vegetable oil has the potential to be a fuel of the future.
Converted to biodiesel, vegetable oil offers an effective alternative to regular diesel fuel. Vegetable oil can also be used "straight" in specially converted cars, where the oil is pre-heated to make it less viscous, or thick.
Vegetable oil may be cheaper than standard diesel if bought in bulk. Used vegetable oil can sometimes be obtained free.
Waste vegetable oil (WVO) can easily be obtained from restaurants. Vegetable oil is also readily available in supermarkets.
Unlike fossil fuels, vegetable oil is not toxic and will not require hospitalization if it hits the skin or is swallowed.
Growing plants for vegetable oil produces no emissions and is a natural process. Vegetable oil fuels are clean and do not increase carbon dioxide or release other harsh pollutants into the air.
Growing plants for vegetable oil fuel may result in more jobs, revitalized local agriculture and give people in developing countries a chance to lift themselves out of poverty. However, crops for fuels may impact the land available to grow crops for food. Biofuel is, therefore, a balancing act.
Before using vegetable oil in your car, check local laws. For example, the UK Revenue and Customs website notes that it is illegal to use alternative fuels without first paying duty.
Tags: Growing plants, Growing plants vegetable, plants vegetable, Vegetable also