Chocolate bark can be made using a multitude of flavorings and ingredients. The following recipe shows the basic technique that almost anyone can do. Chocolate bark makes a great gift idea or holiday treat. Peppermint flavored chocolate bark is very popular and can be made with peppermint extract and some candy cane chunks. Add this to my Recipe Box.
1. Place the quart pot half filled with water on the stove over medium heat. Place the bowl over the pot. This makes a double boiler that will melt the chocolate with out burning it. Keep it on medium heat so the water doesn't boil over.
2. Put the chocolate in the bowl and let it melt, stirring regularly. The indirect moist heat of the double boiler will insulate the chocolate from burning. Don't walk away from the stove, as you want a nice smooth consistency of melted chocolate.
3. Remove from the heat. Add a few splashes of Grand Marnier, an orange flavored liqueur. This will produce an orange flavored chocolate bark. Any flavor combinations can be made at this stage by adding flavored extracts, chopped nuts, peppermint or candied fruit.
4. Spread the chocolate on the wax paper lined cookie sheet and let dry. Ideally the chocolate should be about 1/4 to 1/2 inch thick on the cookie sheet.
5. Use the knife to rough cut the chocolate into pieces once hardened. Do this by half cutting, half breaking the pieces, this adds to the bark look of the chocolate. Enjoy
Tags: cookie sheet, double boiler, flavored chocolate, flavored chocolate bark, medium heat, orange flavored