Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Pluck A Turkey

Turkey hunters not only enjoy the thrill of the hunt, but the delicious meal that follows. The best way to pluck a turkey is to do it before it is field-dressed. You will keep more moisture in the turkey, making it tastier when you cook it whole by smoking, roasting or deep-frying it. Follow these steps to get your turkey ready for the dinner table. Add this to my Recipe Box.


1. Place a large pan of water on the stove. You may need two large pans of water depending on the size of the turkey. Bring the water to a boil or near-boiling (around 140 degrees is best). Remove the pan from the stove and take it outside.

2. Pour the hot water into a large washtub (a large plastic storage container will also work-anything large enough to hold the water and turkey).

3. Put on a pair of thick rubber gloves and grab the turkey by its feet. Put the turkey in the hot water.

4. Hold the turkey underwater using a long stick or cooking utensil (such as a wooden spoon). Push it around in the water to make sure all of the feathers are thoroughly soaked.

5. Remove the turkey from the water after 5 to 10 seconds so you don't start cooking it. Start plucking out the feathers, one handful after another.
