Thursday, November 6, 2014

What Classes Do I Have To Take In High School If I Want To Do Psychology In College

Proper course selection in high school will better prepare you for pursuing a psychology degree in college.

Psychologists devote themselves to study of the human mind and its function. A good psychologist must adhere to the rigor of science, yet stay open to the subjectivity found in social sciences like sociology and anthropology. To work as a practicing licensed psychologist, you need a PhD. It's fair to say, that if psychology is in your future, the best way to prepare is by choosing the right courses in high school now.


All of the basic sciences come into play in the field of psychology, so you should try to take all sciences available at your high school. At the very least, you should take a year of chemistry, biology and physics. If available, take a psychology course at your high school to see if you like it. You might also be able to take a psychology class at your local community college. This option has the added benefit of giving you a taste of a college classroom.


To understand the sciences fully you will need a solid understanding of mathematics. Take math classes each year of high school. By the time you graduate, you should have two years of algebra and a year each of geometry, trigonometry and pre-calculus. Some schools have an integrated format where students learn bits of each of these subjects each year. Either way, try to complete any math series offered by your high school. If you have a strong aptitude for math, take calculus or even AP calculus.


The ability to express yourself through written communication is essential to your ability to write papers for your college psychology classes and for writing reports in the future as a professional psychologist. By taking English courses in all four years of high school, you will continuously hone your verbal and written skills. Verbal communication is also important for giving presentations related to your research. If your high school has a speech class or debate team, take advantage of the opportunity to improve your speaking skills.


Essentially psychology is a subject about human beings and your high school humanities courses are just as important as your math, science and English courses. Try to take both U.S. and World history classes, since understanding the history of a person's culture can give you insight into how their mental processes work. Learning a foreign language is also helpful because you might some day have clients who only know English as a second language or you might have to research in journals that have been published in different languages.

Tags: high school, your high, your high school, each year, English courses, high school will