Friday, November 14, 2014

Make Whole Wheat Pastry Flour

Whole wheat flour contains a wheat berry's endosperm, bran and germ, unlike refined (regular) flour, which only contains the endosperm. Because of its high oil content, its shelf life is considerably shorter than white flour's. Therefore, it is best to grind it fresh as you need it. Whole wheat flour is tastier and more nutritious than refined flour, and is used the same way and in the same amounts. It is surprisingly easy to make. Add this to my Recipe Box.


Making the Flour

1. Purchase wheat berries from either a health food store or from an online supplier. If you want to make bread, then make sure to purchase "hard" wheat berries. But if you plan to make pastries instead, purchase "soft" wheat berries.

2. Put a small amount of the berries in the grain mill or food processor. A grain mill is easier to control for consistency of the milling, and it is also the traditional method for making flour. A food processor also does the job, although the blades will have to be sharpened periodically.

3. Grind the berries. Once they have been ground to the consistency of flour, pour the powder into a measuring cup to make sure you ground the amount you need. If not, repeat steps 2 and 3 as many times as necessary. Unless you are using an industrial-sized grain mill, grind a small amount at a time.

4. Use the flour immediately, or store it in a cool, dry place. Pour any excess ground flour into a plastic bag or container, sealed tight so pests can't get in. Fresh whole wheat flour is used exactly the same way as refined flour and can be substituted in the same amounts.

Tags: grain mill, wheat berries, wheat flour, flour used, food processor, make sure, refined flour