Flourless chocolate cake is perfect for all occasions.
Dense, fudgy and moist, flourless chocolate cake is easy to make. Chances are you have all the ingredients on hand to make this sinfully classic dessert. The next time you have a craving for chocolate cake, rather than reaching for a boxed mix, try making this cake from scratch. Whether you're a novice or expert baker, follow a few simple tips to produce a flawless cake every time. Add this to my Recipe Box.
For the best results, select a good quality chocolate. Most flourless chocolate cake recipes call for bittersweet or dark chocolate. Bittersweet chocolate contains at least 35 percent chocolate liquor, a combination of cocoa butter and cocoa solids. Premium bittersweet chocolate contains 65 to 70 percent or more chocolate liquor. There are a number of brands to choose from. Just keep in mind, the higher the percentage of chocolate liquor, the more rich and flavorful the chocolate.
Read your recipe and make sure you have all the ingredients. There is nothing more frustrating than getting halfway through a recipe and discovering you're missing a key ingredient. Flourless chocolate cake recipes call for chocolate, butter, eggs and sugar. Your recipe may also call for the addition of unsweetened cocoa powder, heavy cream or vanilla extract. Set out your ingredients.
Preheat the oven and have the baking pans ready. Make sure your ingredients are at room temperature. When you whip egg whites, incorporate as much air as possible. Fold the whites into the batter without deflating. This gives the flourless chocolate cake its texture. Transfer the batter to a spring form pan and put it in the oven. If the batter sits out on the counter for more than five minutes, the egg whites will deflate.
Use a thermometer to test the oven temperature. Temperature can vary and this will affect the baking time. While your cake is in the oven, look at the top. If it has large cracks running across it, the cake is done. Alternatively, insert a wooden skewer or toothpick into the center of the cake. If the skewer comes out clean, the cake is done. After you remove the cake from the oven, set it on a rack to cool. Remove the collar from the pan and gently lift it off the cake.
Tags: chocolate cake, chocolate liquor, flourless chocolate cake, cake done, cake from, cake recipes