Tuesday, January 27, 2015

The Best Brushes For Cockapoos

Bristle brushes are just one of the tools needed to properly groom a cockapoo.

A cockapoo is a designer breed of dog that has one cocker spaniel parent and one poodle parent. Both the cocker spaniel and the poodle are known for their luxurious, textured coats. Well-groomed cockapoos sport a fur coat that captures the best features of both breeds. In order to groom a cockapoo -- which you shouldn't style like a poodle or a cocker spaniel -- it is necessary to use the appropriate brushes.

Bristle Brush

Choose a bristle brush made of a combination of natural materials. Cockapoos live for a long time, therefore, an investment is a high-quality bristle brush is justified. By using a bristle brush made of natural materials, the brush will be effective on varying textures of cockapoo coats. Moreover, a synthetic bristle brush could harm the cockapoo's sensitive skin under its coat. Choose a bristle brush for a cockapoo with a rubber, flexible pad, to avoid ripping its hair as you groom it.

Slicker Brush

Slicker brushes feature several metal pins with oval or round ends. Slicker brushes are most useful to finish the brushing process or to remove mats or loose hairs on long-haired cockapoos. This brush will detangle and smooth the cockapoo's curly coat. Choose a slicker brush with a cushioned pad.

Medium-Toothed Metal Brush

Choose a medium-toothed metal brush to brush cockapoos with long fur. On short-haired cockapoos, you can use these brushes to remove debris that is stuck in the dog's fur.

Fine-Toothed Brush

Use a fine-toothed brush with one row of teeth to remove fleas from the dog's hair. Fine-toothed spaniel brushes are also effective in removing tangles from the dog's fur.

Curry Brush

Curry brushes don't look like other brushes. Curry brushes are round and swivel, which make them suitable for a cockapoo's wavy or curly hair. Use a curry brush to remove loose hair from the cockapoo's coat. Only use this type of grooming brush on short-haired cockapoos.

Tags: bristle brush, cocker spaniel, bristle brush made, Brush Choose, brush made, brush will, brush with