Friday, March 20, 2015

Best Way To Store Green Peppers


1. Select green bell peppers that are free of blemishes and bruises. Firm fruits with smooth skin and stems intact are the best choices. Peppers with soft, dark spots are starting to decay and may be rotten inside, so avoid them even if you plan on using them immediately.

2. Store green bell peppers for short-term use by refrigerating them in the produce drawer of your refrigerator. To ensure good air flow, remove peppers from any plastic bag or container they were purchased in. With proper refrigeration, a healthy bell pepper should last from three to five days in the refrigerator.

3. Store green bell peppers for up to a month by freezing them. Frozen properly, bell peppers should retain good flavor and color for a month. Wash, core and seed fresh bell peppers to get them ready for freezing. They can be frozen either whole or sliced.

4. Store bell peppers for long periods by blanching and then freezing them. Blanching will ensure good color and flavor retention. Place washed, cored and seeded bell peppers in boiling water for two to three minutes, and then freeze them. They may be frozen whole, halved, sliced or chopped.

5. Use a dehydrator to dry large quantities of bell peppers for long-term storage. Dried bell pepper is used in many prepared dinner mixes and reconstitutes well. Prepare the peppers by cleaning, coring and seeding them, then chop them into large pieces and place them on the dehydrator. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for drying time. Depending on the model dehydrator you're using, you may have to rotate the trays once or twice.

Tags: bell peppers, green bell, green bell peppers, bell pepper, ensure good, freezing them