Print coupons and save money on grocery bills. Read on to find out where to find printable grocery coupons online.
When the poor economy hits you in the wallet, many people start looking for new easy ways to save money. One easy way to save money on groceries involves finding printable coupons online. You can save money on groceries and easily cut your grocery bill by one quarter or more by visiting grocery coupon websites and finding printable coupons for each week's trip to the grocery store. Keep reading to learn save money on groceries using coupon websites.
1. START BY WRITING UP YOUR SHOPPING LIST. Go through your refrigerator, kitchen cabinets, storage closet and pantry to determine what grocery items will be purchasing this week.
2. VISIT A COUPON WEBSITE. There are many coupon websites on the internet that help shoppers save money on groceries. Some great coupon websites include, and The latter website requires a free membership, so you'll need to sign up before you can print free grocery coupons from this website. You can also find coupons online by visiting manufacturer website or brand websites.
3. SEARCH FOR GROCERY COUPONS BY BRAND NAME OR CATEGORY. Most coupon websites allow you to browse coupons by category (i.e. diaper coupons, bleach coupons, etc.) or you can search by a specific product name (i.e. Pampers coupons, Clorox coupons, etc.). Go through your grocery list and search for coupons for each item.
4. PRINT COUPONS FROM THE INTERNET: Once you locate a coupon for an item on your grocery shopping list, print the coupon and check off the corresponding item on your list.
5. FIND A GROCERY STORE THAT ACCEPTS COUPONS PRINTED FROM THE INTERNET. Not every grocery store will accept printable grocery coupons due to problems with fake coupons. So you'll want to call or visit the store's courtesy desk to determine if the store will accept coupons printed from coupon websites or manufacturer websites. If you find several stores that accept printed coupons from the web, do a bit of comparison shopping. Pick a dozen or so very specific items and find out the prices for those grocery items at each store. This will give you an idea of which store has the best prices.
Tags: coupon websites, save money, money groceries, save money groceries, coupons online, your grocery, coupons each