You can make your own beef jerky using a dehydrator.
Beef jerky is a snack that is often brought along on hikes and on travels. It is high in protein and low in fat, and can be stored without refrigeration, making it economical as well as healthful. Although beef jerky can be purchased from any grocery store, commercial jerky often contains preservatives and artificial coloring. One solution is to make your own beef jerky using natural seasonings and a food dehydrator. Add this to my Recipe Box.
1. Cut the roast beef into 1/8-inch slices, using the butcher knife.
2. Place the beef slices into the baking dish.
3. Cover the meat with the soy sauce, liquid smoke and cayenne pepper.
4. Cover the dish with the plastic wrap, and marinate for two hours.
5. Remove the beef slices from the baking dish.
6. Lay the slices on the trays of a food dehydrator. Do not overlap the sections.
7. Run the dehydrator for 36 to 48 hours, according to manufacturer directions, until the beef is completely dried.
Tags: your beef jerky, baking dish, beef jerky, beef jerky using, beef slices, food dehydrator