Fire ants
are one of the most aggressive species of ants. They feed on plants and animals and are known for their harsh, multiple stings. Infestations can be treated with chemicals such as ant baits and dusts. Does this Spark an idea?
Fire ants
According to Oklahoma State University's Entomology and Plant Pathology department, chemicals found in fire ant baits include hydramethylnol, a slow-acting poison, and fenoxycarb and avermectin, which are growth regulators that target the queen. These combined chemicals will kill the ant mound within one to five weeks.
Fire ant baits contain corn grits that are coated with soybean oil as part of their active ingredients. The ants enter to feed, and ingest the insecticides.
Acephate is a dust that is poured around ant mounds. Fire ants walk through the dust outside the mound; with the substance coating their bodies, they bring it inside.
Wear gloves to prevent your skin from coming in contact with the chemicals.
Apply baits to areas where the fire ants collect their food, suggests the OSU website. To find those areas, put food a few feet from the mound. Continue to place food at larger distances away, and observe ant activities to see where they feed.
Tags: Fire ants, with chemicals