When living in a motel, eating out all the time can become a problematic expense. It will help you to save money if there is a small kitchenette in your motel room. Otherwise, there are inexpensive tools that you can use to save money on food during your motel stay. Take advantage of everything the motel offers to help you save money on food. Supplement what the motel offers with a few items of your own to keep your expenses down. Add this to my Recipe Box.
1. Buy your food from the grocery store rather than eating at the motel restaurant or any other restaurants during your stay. Choose inexpensive foods that you will be able to keep and cook to save money on food at the hotel.
2. Bring a cooler with you so that you can store food in your room without it going bad or rotting.
3. Eat the free continental breakfast if one is offered at the motel. If fruit such as apples and bananas are provided, take one or two pieces with you for a snack later in the day.
4. Use the motel microwave if one is in the lobby to heat any number of foods that you have purchased from a grocery store.
5. Use an electric teapot to heat water to cook foods such as hot dogs or noodles in your room. You simply pour the water you have heated over the food you are preparing and allow it to soak. Cover the food with a lid so that it will steam cook.
Tags: save money, during your, foods that, from grocery, from grocery store, grocery store