CLA (conjugated linoleic acid) is an important component of a healthy diet. CLA is a component of fat that has been shown to slow the process of some types of cancer and heart disease, according to Lynnette Harris of the University of Utah Extension Service. It also appears to help reduce body fat and increases lean muscle mass, as well as strengthen the immune system. CLA is sold as a nutritional supplement, but it is also available in many foods that can be made a part of your regular diet.
CLA is found in dairy products. However, recent trends toward low-fat foods mean that people are decreasing their intake of CLA. In terms of CLA, all dairy foods are not equal. Grass-fed cows produce much more CLA than grain-fed cows, and whole milk contains much more CLA than low-fat milk. Some chemical in live growing grass enhances a cow's production of CLA, but research has not uncovered exactly what it is. Cheese and butter are also excellent CLA sources.
Meat from ruminant animals--cows, lamb, turkey, buffalo, deer, goat and the like--are good sources of CLA. In all categories, grass-fed animals produce much more CLA than do those that are grain fed. That is one reason to favor free-range animals in the diet. Finding a source for CLA is also something for vegetarians and vegans to consider when eliminating meat from their diets.
Mushrooms are another important source of CLA. Research funded by the California Breast Cancer Prevention Program has found that the chemicals in mushrooms help suppress the enzyme that produces estrogen upon which breast tumors are dependent.
High Linoleic Acid Oils
The kind of oil you use in everyday cooking can influence your CLA intake. In research reported in the National Institute of Health's National Library of Medicine that compared various common oil, it was found that safflower oil is by far the best source of CLA, followed by soy oil and corn oil. Flax produced little and sunflower produced none.
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