Tofu has found its way into sushi.
There are a number of reasons to become a vegetarian: ethical, health and economic, for instance. Living as a vegetarian is possible -- increasingly so -- but requires some attention to what you consume. With some planning, a healthy vegetarian lifestyle based on good foods is within your reach. Add this to my Recipe Box.
Tofu, which is also know as soybean curd, is made from soy milk and is a staple in many vegetarian diets. You can prepare tofu in a number of ways -- baked, fried, deep fried, raw. Spice or arrange tofu for nearly any palate. Use tofu to make burgers, ice cream, burritos and countless other foods. Tofu is available fresh or processed, but regardless of its origin, it is fairly high in protein and so is important for vegetarians who might not get the protein that is contained in most meats.
Beans are an essential vegetarian food. Several common varieties are cheap and easy to prepare, and beans also are a good source of protein. Black beans, kidney beans and pinto beans are some common options that also are fairly high in fiber. Use beans in soup or chili, mashed, eaten on their own, in patties and served as burgers, in salads or served in a burrito or taco, among other options.
Grains are a staple of any vegetarian diet, but not all are created equal. Quinoa, wild rice and millet are good choices because they are fairly low in calories but high in fiber, riboflavin, iron, zinc and vitamin B6 -- all of which are important for daily health. Use grains on their own as part of a meal -- or sometimes as a meal in themselves -- or use them in soups, salads and snack mixes.
Fruits and Vegetables
Fruits and vegetables are important foods for vegetarians. While most fruits and vegetables will yield health benefits, vary choices because different types will offer different benefits. Eat three servings of fruits and four servings of vegetables each day from raw or cooked sources, or even from juices. Prepare fruits and vegetables in many ways -- although when it comes to vegetables, prepare them raw or steamed to get the most health benefit because the vegetables will retain their nutrients.
Tags: choices because, fairly high, fruits vegetables, high fiber, vegetables will