Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Buy In Bulk & Store In Plastic Containers

Buying in bulk and storing in plastic containers is a time and cost-saving technique used by savvy shoppers across the U.S. Not only does this habit save time and money, but it also has a kinder impact on the environment than frequently purchasing single-serve packages of food. These days, you can buy foods in bulk quantities just about anywhere, from large warehouse clubs to your nearest supermarket or discount food store. Knowing which foods to shop for and store them is key to making bulk shopping worth the extra load. Add this to my Recipe Box.


1. Before buying in bulk, ask yourself a couple of questions, such as how often you consume a particular food and whether or not you have enough freezer or cupboard space to store it. For example, pasta and rice will store for up to two years, and can be used often, while bulk bags of fruits and veggies might not be used up completely before they spoil. You should also ensure that you have adequate plastic containers in which to store these bulk foods.

2. Take a look at the prices of bulk items, which are sometimes broken down into the cost per ounce for small, medium, and large packages on store shelf price labels. Bring a calculator along to see which packages are the cheapest when you factor in the number of ounces per price.

3. Factor in elements such as membership dues to warehouse food clubs, which tend to run about $50 per year. Figure out whether you would shop there frequently enough to make the membership a worthwhile savings. Meanwhile, compare these savings with the costs you can cut via sales at regular supermarkets or discount stores, which offer frequent specials on food products.

4. Store dry bulk foods such as rice, pretzels and pasta in plastic containers and place them in a cool, dry place. Wrap any meats you buy in bulk and place them in air-tight plastic containers, then stow in the freezer to keep for up to 6 months. Store dairy products such as butter in plastic containers and place them in the refrigerator for up to 9 months, but check other products for their expiration date to see how long you can store them.

5. Bring large plastic containers along with you to the store when you go to buy dry foods such as grains and snacks from bulk bins. Most supermarkets allow people to bring their own packaging in which to purchase goods stored in bins.

Tags: plastic containers, place them, bulk foods, containers place, containers place them