It's hard to say "no" to that face!
You love your dog and your dog loves you. He can't bake you brownies to show he cares, but that doesn't have to stop you from baking him homemade treats. Dog biscuit recipes run the gamut from gourmet to basic. Calculating the cost of something homemade can be tricky; however, you may hesitate before baking certain types of dog biscuits if you knew the true total cost of your adorable creations.
1. Add the total price of ingredients you bought exclusively for the dog biscuit recipe. This would include any items that you can't, or won't, use in human cooking. Write the final number down on your paper under the heading "exclusive ingredients."
2. Prorate the cost of ingredients from the biscuit recipe that you can use for human food, like eggs and flour. For instance, if the recipe called for two eggs, determine the cost of two eggs by considering the price of a dozen. Write the total prorated ingredients under the appropriate title and separately from the "exclusive ingredients."
3. Add the total cost of the categories together to find the total expense of baking dog biscuits.
Tags: biscuit recipe, exclusive ingredients, that human, total cost