Using rice flour in baking gives the final product a distinctly different texture than using wheat flour. Rice flour tends to make baked goods crumbly. As a result, you should not replace all of the wheat flour in a recipe with rice flour if you can possibly avoid it. Instead, substitute rice flour for approximately one-fourth of the wheat flour. This solution does not work in some cases, however. If you do not eat gluten, for example, you should eliminate the wheat flour completely. The best way to do so is to use primarily rice flour with two other gluten-free flours mixed in to improve the texture. Add this to my Recipe Box.
1. Divide the total amount of wheat flour you wish to replace by 3. For example, if your recipe calls for 6 cups of wheat flour, divide that by 3 for a result of 2.
2. Multiply the number you calculated by 2 to determine the amount of rice flour you should add to your mix. In this example, you would multiply 2 by 2 for a total of 4 cups of rice flour.
3. Multiply the number you calculated by 2/3 to determine the amount of potato starch flour you should add to your mix. In this example, you would multiply 2 by 2/3 for a total of 1-1/3 cups of potato starch flour.
4. Multiply the number you calculated by 1/3 to determine the amount of tapioca flour you should add to your mix. In this example, you would multiply 2 by 1/3 for a total of 2/3 cup of tapioca flour. You may have noticed that you now have exactly the original amount of flour; 4 cups of rice flour plus 1-1/3 cups of potato starch flour plus 2/3 cup of tapioca flour is equal to 6 cups of flour, which is the amount of wheat flour you were replacing.
5. Mix together the rice flour, potato starch flour and tapioca flour to blend them thoroughly. Use this blend to replace the wheat flour in your recipe.
Tags: wheat flour, rice flour, potato starch, potato starch flour, starch flour, tapioca flour, your this example