Replace salty snacks with fresh fruit.
Developing healthy eating habits is a way to help you and your family maintain good overall health. If you have been practicing unhealthy eating habits, such as eating a lot of fast food and drinking soft drinks, it may take some work before you get used to a new lifestyle. But think of the changes as improvements to your overall well-being and not just tools for weight loss. Start slow;y and gradually improve your healthy eating habits to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
1. Replace soft drinks and sugary juice with water and organic juice. Gradually replace high-fat foods with fruits, vegetable and whole grains.
2. Practice portion control. How much you eat is just as important as what you eat. Educate yourself on the proper portions, such as how large a 1/2-cup is and what three ounces of chicken breast looks like.
3. Drink a full glass of water before each meal to avoid overeating.
4. Eat only when you are hungry. It is helpful to eat only at the dinner table and avoid snacking in front of the television or computer.
5. Eat small, healthy meals throughout the day to maintain that full feeling and raise your metabolism.
6. Cut back on your salt intake by avoiding processed foods, frozen dinners and canned vegetables and soups.
7. Eat breakfast within one hour of waking up to raise your metabolism and boost your energy for the day.
8. Stick to a routine on a daily basis by eating your meals and snacks around the same time every day. This helps your body get used to when it will be fueled with energy and avoid the hunger feeling in between meal time.
9. Prepare your snacks for work or school ahead of time to avoid snacking at the vending machine.
Tags: eating habits, avoid snacking, healthy eating habits, raise your, raise your metabolism, soft drinks