Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Use Coconut Oil In Natural Medicine

Use Coconut Oil in Natural Medicine

Coconut oil is one of the healthiest edible fats, and can be used in a number of natural remedies. The versatile and unique benefits of coconut oil make it not only an important food item but also a medicine which can be used both internally and externally. Read on for some tips that can give you an idea how you can use coconut oil in your own home remedies.


1. Eliminate head lice naturally while conditioning your hair using pure coconut oil. Rub the oil into your scalp before bed, making sure that the entire scalp is saturated. Cover your head with a shower cap or protect your bedding with a towel and wash your hair as usual in the morning. Repeat this treatment every other day for about 18 days, the incubation cycle of head lice, to ensure elimination of eggs as well.

2. Drizzle coconut oil on fruit salads, put it in smoothies or take it as is as a dietary supplement to boost the immune system. 1 tsp. of coconut oil about 30 minutes before eating will help reduce your appetite and promote weight loss, and 1 tsp. before bed can help with constipation.

3. Use coconut oil as the base or carrier oil for your herbal medicines, aromatherapy recipes, soaps and homemade skin care products. Rubbing coconut oil on burns, including sunburns, can help to prevent blisters, peeling and scarring and will help to soothe the burn.

4. Make your own toothpaste by mixing equal parts of coconut oil and baking soda. Add a bit of water until you reach a proper consistency. Store your natural and great-tasting toothpaste in the refrigerator.

Tags: Coconut Natural, Coconut Natural Medicine, head lice, Natural Medicine, will help