Remove the husks of tomatillos before you eat them.
Tomatillo is a green-colored fruit that resembles a green tomato but comes from the gooseberry family rather than the tomato species. Tomatillos have a thin, papery husk around its fruit. Fruits that are firm and slightly under-ripe make the best choices when shopping. The husk and the soft pit should be discarded before eating. After the husk has been peeled, a sticky covering surrounds the skin of the fruit. Prepare your next batch of tomatillos to get them ready for cooking. Add this to my Recipe Box.
1. Place several tomatillos on a cutting board. Peel off the papery husks. Start at the opening of the fruit and peel them off gently exposing each fruit.
2. Place the tomatillos in a colander and rinse them off in warm water to remove the sticky substance.
3. Place the tomatillo fruit with the stem side up on the cutting board. Use a small paring knife to remove the soft pit on the top. Make a small circular cut around the top. Discard the pit.
Tags: cutting board