Thursday, February 19, 2015

Which Soil Is Best For Planting Tomatoes

Tomato plants require a loamy garden soil.

Tomatoes grow best in a loamy soil that has a pH level of 5.8 to 7. Before adding anything to the soil, do a soil test. The results will include the nutrient levels and the pH. Other soil additions may need to be added to improve the water retention of the soil. Tomatoes grown in containers require a homemade potting soil mixture. Does this Spark an idea?

Loam Soil

Loam soil is made up of sand, silt and clay. The proportions are 40 percent sand, 40 percent silt and 20 percent clay. Creating a soil ribbon is a quick way of determining what type of soil is in the garden. To do a soil ribbon, take a ball of soil and roll it around in the palm of the hand. Then begin to form a ribbon by pushing the ball through the thumb and forefinger. A loam soil will make a 1-inch ribbon before breaking.

Soil PH

If the pH number is higher than 7, add a 1- to 2-inch layer of sphagnum peat or elemental sulfur. If it is below 5.8, add wood ash or lime to the soil. Till the additions into the top 8 to 12 inches of the soil.


Amendments can be added to the garden soil to help it retain water. A very sandy soil will require the addition of coconut fibers or peat moss. A very clayey soil also requires the addition of coconut fibers, peat moss and/or sand. All soils can benefit from the addition of compost. It adds additional nutrients to the soil. Additional amendments include kelp, bonemeal and Epsom salt. Kelp provides an overall boost to the soil while bonemeal is high in phosphorus. Epsom salt is an old-time standby and adds magnesium to the soil.

Container Soil

Tomatoes grown in containers require a good homemade potting soil mixture. This consists of equal amounts of potting soil, perlite, sphagnum peat moss and compost. This creates a loose, well-drained soil.


Tomatoes love to be fed, especially with a fertilizer high in phosphorus. Fertilizer high in phosphorus improves bloom formation and helps the plant produce more flowers. Fertilizers come in liquid, slow-release and granular forms. It can be applied as a top and side dressing and/or as a foliar spray. Another approach to fertilization is to grow hairy vetch in the garden area where tomatoes will be planted. When spring comes, the hairy vetch is tilled under, creating a green fertilizer. Fertilizers containing high levels of calcium and magnesium are important in tomato production. They aid in plant development and reduce the chances of bottom end rot.

Tags: garden soil, high phosphorus, peat moss, potting soil, addition coconut