Friday, December 5, 2014

Convert Dry Corn Into Corn Meal

Convert Dry Corn Into Corn Meal

Cornmeal is an essential ingredient in many recipes, from polenta to tortillas and cornbread. If you have the time for it and a good source of dry corn, grinding your own cornmeal can be an alternative to buying it ready-ground. The freshness and quality of your cornmeal will be unmatched by any store-bought meal (assuming that you start with good corn). And you will know exactly what is in your cornmeal, because you ground it yourself. Add this to my Recipe Box.


1. Clean your corn. Rinse in a large bowl with water (do not soak) several times until the water is clear. Pick out any stray bits of stalk, dirt or pebbles. Allow the corn to dry thoroughly before continuing.

2. Grind your corn. Start with a small batch until you become familiar with the process. An electric grinder, such as the Grain Master Whisper Mill or the Bosch Nutrimill, will get the job done, but be careful to follow the manufacturer's warnings to avoid overheating. Load the corn into the feeder tray and grind until no large pieces of corn are visible.

3. Sift and re-grind. When grinding with an electric mill, this step may be unnecessary. For making cornbread, the meal should be nearly as fine as all-purpose flour. For making polenta and tortillas, you can use a coarser cornmeal. If the meal is not fine enough, simply sift and re-grind.

Tags: your cornmeal, Convert Corn, Convert Corn Into, Corn Into, Corn Into Corn, Corn Meal