Have you ever opened the flour jar or bag to find little bugs? No matter how tight the seal seems to be on your flour container, these sneaky little insects find a way in. Here's rid your flour of these pesky pests once and for all. Does this Spark an idea?
1. Freeze your flour. It sounds weird, but the freezer will not adversely affect it. There is no moisture in the freezer, so there are no clumps.
2. Spread bay leaves around your kitchen. This natural bug repellent is an old wives way of keeping the critters away.
3. Identify your bug. Sometimes it takes a little investigation to rid your flour of bugs. Flour and grain weevils are not harmful; but you can avoid them by making sure you use a container with an airtight seal.
4. Clean out the entire closet, pantry or cupboard when you find moth worms. Make sure to apply a food-safe pesticide after you clean.
5. Discard all products exposed to cockroaches because they carry disease. Check with a pest control company for the best course of action.
6. Make sure that you clean spilled flour and other foods at all times. This can help prevent most bugs. Be sure to clean under the shelf paper when cleaning out pantries.
Tags: your flour, Make sure