A close walk with God is initiated and sustained through consistent and intimate communion with him in prayer. During conversion to Christianity, God gives to man a new nature but during consecration, man gives back to God out of the new nature. Prayers of consecration are appropriate during these times of communion with God. Consecration is the dedication and sanctification of one's life and all that one has unto God. Someone achieves a consecrated life through desire and obedience to the Word of God.
The Body
A study of the Bible reveals that man's body is to be God's dwelling place. It is to be holy and to be used for holy purposes. Making a prayer of consecration to God in regards to the body is appropriate. The prayer commits the person to preserve and use his body as a holy living sacrifice unto God. The making of such a prayer of consecration will demand that one avoids sexual immorality and also takes care of the body in such a way as to please the Lord .
An understanding of the Word of God in regards to wealth concludes that God is the owner of all that is in the earth and that man is a steward of his resources. With this understanding one should make a prayer of consecration in regards to the wealth God has entrusted to him. Such a prayer commits to God the use of present and future blessings of wealth for the purposes of God's kingdom. This prayer of dedication will therefore demand one to give out his wealth as the Lord directs.
The Home
Prayers of consecration to God should also include one's house. In the Old Testament Bible, God requested the children of Israel to build him a physical sanctuary so that he would dwell among them. In the New Testament Bible, saints opened their homes to other people to pray and have fellowship together. A prayer of dedication in regards to one's house is a commitment to allow the Lord to have a place not only in our bodies but in our physical homes. This prayer demands the removal of all that is unpleasant to the Lord in one's home.
The Children
In both Old and New Testament passages of the Bible, people dedicated their children to the Lord. Prayers of consecration should include the dedication of children to the will and work of the Lord. This prayer demands that the parents be willing to be role models in the raising of their children in the fear of the Lord.
Tags: prayer consecration, Prayers consecration, This prayer, communion with, consecration regards