Word processors, in their earliest forms, were actual machines. They were a step up from typewriters in that they generally had some form of memory and would display anywhere from one to four lines of text before it was put to paper, giving typists a chance to fix their mistakes before they were committed. Some of these machines still exist, but for the most part, when someone refers to a word processor, they are referring to a computer program.
In the style of old word processing machines, NeoSmart created the Alpha. It is a small word processor that runs on 2 AA batteries and has a four-line monochrome screen. You can hook the Alpha up to a printer or a computer through a USB cable and print or upload what you've written.
At its most basic, a word processor is a program that allows the user to type. It creates documents or any other form of printable material.
One feature that most word processors have is formatting. Formatting allows the user to set margins, change fonts, font sizes, font colors and margins, among other things.
Most word processors have the ability to create forms, including invoices, expense reports, certificates, brochures and even business cards. Depending on the type of word processor, it may include even more forms as standard templates.
Mail Merge
Many word processors have the option to create a mail merge. This allows a list of names and addresses from another source to be imported into letters or labels, helping to automate what used to be a repetitive, time-consuming task.
Mark Up
If you're using a more advanced word processor, you should have the option to "mark up" your work or the work of another. You can make changes and track them, allowing others to see what has been done.
Common word processing programs include Microsoft Word, Open Office, Google Docs, Word Pad, Word Perfect and Works.
Tags: processors have, word processor, word processors have, allows user, have option, word processing, word processor