Olives are an essential part of the Italian diet. While they are eaten whole, olives are also made into olive oil, a key element in Italian cooking. Although Tuscany is Italy's top olive-growing region, the island of Sicily, just off Italy's mainland, is also known for its numerous cultivars of olive trees. Does this Spark an idea?
Carolea Olives
One of the most prevalent types of olive grown in Sicily is the Carolea. Used for both oil production and as a table olive, the Carolea is a medium to large olive. According to Practically Edible, the Carolea has the reputation for producing good quality oil. They grow in Sicily's Enna region and are native to Calabria on the mainland.
The majority of green Sicilian table olives are Nocellaras, according to Oregon Olives. Nocellara are also made into high quality olive oil, although they usually reserved for table olives. It is known for its rich aroma and complex taste.
A third cultivar grown in Sicily is the Biancolilla olive. Found in the southwestern region of the island, the Biancolilla tree produces olives that are a purplish red in color. Biancolilla olives are generally pressed into olive oil which has a rich, distinct flavor. Biancolilla trees grow best in Sicily's hills and have good resistance against both cold and drought.
Other Olives
While the Carolea, Biancolilla and Nocellara are the most commonly grown cultivars of olive tree in Sicily, growers also produce numerous other types of olive. Among the olives grown in Sicily include La Cavaleri, Crasto, Moresca and the Castiglione, which is known to produce high quality olive oil. Olives are generally harvested in Sicily during the late fall and winter months. The first batch of olive oil is generally available for tasting in Sicily in early December.
Tags: grown Sicily, also made, also made into, cultivars olive, high quality, high quality olive