Licorice root mulch is a natural byproduct of commerical licorice.
Licorice root mulch is made from ground licorice root that is byproduct of food processing plants that extract the licorice flavor. The process removes impurities, soil and pathogens via steaming and yields a pure, nutritive mulch for your garden. The licorice plants themselves are usually grown commercially in western China and the Middle East. Licorice root mulch is available at gardening stores in the northeastern United States as well as over the Internet to gardeners across the country and around the world. Does this Spark an idea?
Licorice root offers higher moisture retention relative to cow manure or wood chip mulch. Apply at least three to four inches of licorice root mulch cover to your garden bed for best moisture results. Water your mulch thoroughly after applying it. The licorice root mulch will turn a rich dark brown color when wet.
Licorice root mulch has 12 out of 13 essential vital nutrients for plants for proper crop development. It is rich in nitrogen compared to standard bark mulches, with a nitrogen-to-carbon ratio of 25:1. Nitrogen is particularly necessary for plants to form amino acids and is directly involved in the process of photosynthesis. The high proportion of nitrogen means that licorice root mulch does not sap nitrogen from your plants as it decomposes.
Fungus Resistance
Licorice root mulch is resistant to artillery fungus. Artillery fungus frequently contaminates traditional mulch beds and leaves behind unsightly black spores that can stain and permanently discolor wood. Licorice root mulch resists fungus and other pests.
Weed and Erosion Prevention
Licorice root mulch contains fibers that settle and interlock when laid in your garden. The interlocking fibers create an effective mat that resists wind and water to keep your plants secure and healthy. The licorice root also contains natural sterilizers against weed seeds so that your plants get the maximum amount of light and water. The mat still allows for plenty of aeration to your garden.
Environmentally Friendly
Organic licorice root offers an eco-friendly opportunity to improve your garden. It is naturally pest-resistant, which means using fewer harsh chemicals to protect your plants. It also reduces manufacturing waste by recycling an industrial byproduct. The organic growing process for the licorice root stock also ensures minimal negative impact to the environment.
Tags: root mulch, your garden, Licorice root mulch, your plants, licorice root