Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Kosher Food Production Regulations

Kosher regulations are an important part of Jewish life.

Kosher food is prepared in accordance with Jewish dietary laws. Because many people today rely heavily on prepared foods, rather than making everything from scratch, rules and regulations for the production of kosher food are more important than ever. It should be noted that all regulations are above and beyond the normal health and safety rules mandated by the government for food preparation. The Jewish kosher dietary laws and rules are collectively known as kashrut. Add this to my Recipe Box.

Kosher Animals

All animal products for consumption must be derived from kosher animals. Kosher animals are mammals that have split hooves and chew their cud; fish with fins and scales; and birds that are traditionally considered kosher. In addition, mammals and birds must be killed according to the rules of kosher slaughter. No other animals or animal derived products may be used, and any food preparation surfaces that may have come in contact with non-kosher meat or seafood must be thoroughly and appropriately cleaned and koshered before use.

Meat and Dairy

According to kosher rules, known collectively as kashrut, meat products and dairy products may not be eaten together. Utensils used in the preparation of meat must not be used for dairy foods and vice versa. A facility that produces both meat and dairy foods must have two sets of equipment.

Kosher Ingredients

Modern food preparation often involves ingredients such as sauces or flavorings that are brought in to the final preparation site. It must be known where all the ingredients come from so that their kosher status can be ascertained.


It is important for kosher food products to have a hekhsher (also spelled hechsher), or mark of rabbinic supervision. Kosher food producers should have their production methods supervised by a qualified rabbinical overseer, so that the consumer can be confident that all kosher rules have been observed.

Tags: food preparation, dairy foods, dietary laws, kosher food, kosher rules