Bulk grains in glass jars
Buying rice, oats, barley, quinoa and other whole grains in bulk is almost always cheaper than buying them in little 1-pound bags. Buying in bulk also reduces packaging, making it the environmentally friendly choice. Grain have a long shelf life, but they can still go stale and are prone to insect infestation if not properly stored. Here's the best way to keep your bulk grains and rice fresh for as long as possible. Add this to my Recipe Box.
1. The first step to keeping bulk grains fresh is to make sure they are fresh to begin with. When you are buying grains from the bulk bins, ask the store employees how often the bins are filled and if the product gets properly rotated. Look the product over carefully for evidence of insect infestation; this may include live or dead adult moths or larvae, cocoons or sticky webbing that will cause the individual grains to clump together. Do not purchase any bulk grains that are discolored or appear dried out.
2. If the store allows it, bring your own container in to fill up from the bulk bins. This will save you the step of transferring it later when you get home and also reduces your consumption of plastic bags. Remember to weigh your container before you fill it so that you don't get charged for the weight of the jar (most stores with bulk bins should have a scale available for this purpose).
3. Choose a glass jar with a tight seal to store your grains. Canning jars with metal lids are a good choice and can be gotten fairly inexpensively. There are also specially designed food storage containers with rubber rings around the lid for a tight seal. Be careful reusing old peanut butter or mayonnaise jars. The plastic lids may not seal tightly, allowing for possible spills or insect infestation. To test the seal, screw the lid on an empty jar, and then hold it under water; see if any bubbles escape around the rim of the lid.
4. Bulk grains and rice are best stored in a cool dark place, such as a pantry or cabinet. Direct sunlight and high temperatures can cause them to go stale and lose their flavor and nutritional content.
5. Most grains are best used within a few months of purchase. You can extend this a few more months by keeping grains in the freezer. It is not recommended to store bulk grains for more than a year.
Tags: bulk bins, insect infestation, also reduces, bulk grains, Bulk grains, from bulk