Beef franks have a different flavor than other hot dogs.
Hot dogs are among the most popular foods in the U.S. It's synonymous with summer barbecues, ball games and Americana. You can heat up beef franks in a number of ways, ranging from the microwave to the stove top to a barbecue grill or camp fire. However, using a microwave often dries out the meat and leaves it rubbery, and barbecuing can be time consuming. Heat up beef hot dogs on your stove top for a juicy frank and a lightly crisped exterior. This method requires approximately four minutes. Add this to my Recipe Box.
1. Place a skillet over medium heat and add the vegetable oil. Allow the oil in the skillet to heat for five minutes.
2. Add the beef franks to the skillet and reduce the heat to low. Let the franks cook for one minute.
3. Shake the pan lightly to roll the franks onto a different side. Allow the side to cook for one minute before shaking the pan again. Repeat until all sides of the beef frank are browned lightly.
4. Increase the heat to high and wait for the beef franks to sizzle. Shake the pan for approximately 30 seconds so the franks do not burn. This adds a nice crisp to their exterior.
5. Remove the franks from the pan immediately and serve.
Tags: beef franks, cook minute