Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Eat Vegetarian While Pregnant

Many vegetarians worry about maintaining their diet while pregnant. Those around them may gently suggest they start eating meat for the baby. The truth is many doctors agree that a vegetarian diet is perfectly healthy for pregnant women. A few nutritional tips can help ensure you’re getting the proper nutrition. Here’s eat vegetarian while pregnant.


1. Count your protein grams. While pregnant, you should increase your protein by 11 percent or 60 grams of protein a day. You should get all of the protein you need with items like egg whites, cheese, yogurt and milk. Use a piece of paper to track it each day.

2. Increase your calcium intake. While pregnant, it’s important that you get enough calcium. Consume at least four servings of calcium rich foods a day. This includes milk, yogurt, tofu and cheese. Vegetables like broccoli are also a good choice.

3. Pay attention to your B12 consumption. You may need to increase your B12 consumption while pregnant because it’s important to the development of tissue and bones. Your targeted intake is 1.5 micrograms per day. If you eat eggs, you should have no problem with this requirement.

4. Have your doctor check for iron deficiency. Although most vegetarians get enough iron, it’s never a bad idea to get checked. Most doctors will do this routinely with all patients.

5. Continue to watch your requirements after baby is born. If you choose to breastfeed, you’ll need to watch your diet after baby is born. Making sure you meet all of the requirements will ensure baby develops well. And it will make sure you are healthy also.

Tags: after baby, after baby born, baby born, increase your, watch your, while pregnant, your consumption