Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Low Income Family Apply For Food Stamps

In 2008, the Food Stamp Program was replaced by SNAP.

In the United States, low income families may be eligible for SNAP, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. Formerly known as the Food Stamp Program, SNAP helps families whose monthly gross and net income levels are respectively 130 and 100 percent above the federal poverty level, as of the October, 2010 through September, 2011 eligibility period. For example, a family of four would qualify if their total household income was no more than $2,389 per month in gross income, and $1,838 in net income.


1. Visit the USDA Food and Nutrition Services website to take part in the SNAP Pre-Screening Eligibility Tool questionnaire. Answer all questions to determine eligibility.

2. Visit the USDA Food and Nutrition Services website to locate your local SNAP office, if you meet the eligibility qualifications for SNAP. A listing of each SNAP office by state is updated daily.

3. Fill out an application at your local SNAP office. While many local SNAP offices offer online applications, some may require in-person or mail submission.

Tags: local SNAP, SNAP office, your local SNAP, Food Nutrition, Food Nutrition Services, Food Stamp