Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Thanksgiving Turkey Art Activities

Use pictures of real turkeys to inspire your designs.

Thanksgiving turkey crafts are often simple projects that add so much more to the Thanksgiving holiday. You can create turkey crafts long before the holiday, and then fill your home with decorative miniature turkeys and other Thanksgiving-themed items. Choose crafts that are age appropriate. For instance, select really basic crafts if the activity is for preschool children.

Turkey Rock

Use nonwashable paint to paint a small turkey on a rock. Find a small flat rock in your yard or buy a rock at your local home improvement store. Paint the rock blue or green and then allow the paint to dry for a few hours. Next, paint a round circular body, legs and a neck on the rock. Allow the base of the body to dry and then pain a black eyeball on the turkey. Paint colorful red, yellow and brown feathers that extend up on the turkey's body.

Turkey Puppet

A turkey puppet is an excellent Thanksgiving craft art activity for kids. You will need gardening gloves, glue, plastic eyeballs and yellow, red, brown and orange construction paper. Place the garden glove flat on the table with the inside palm portion of the glove facing up. Cut out strips of colored construction paper and glue them onto each finger, but be sure to glue a different color on each finger. Then cut out a strip of brown paper to use as the turkey's head. Glue the turkey's head on the thumb and then glue plastic eyes on the turkey head. Cut out a small triangle shape to resemble the turkeys beak and glue this on the thumb. Then cut out a red gobbler to glue under the turkey's chin. The gobbler should be about 2 inches long. Last, cut out a wing shape from brown construction paper and glue this on the palm portion of the glove. You can use these hand puppets as table decorations on Thanksgiving or give them to kids to play with.

Thanksgiving Turkey Card

Celebrate the spirit of the holiday by making Thanksgiving turkey cards. The materials needed are tracing paper, yellow paper, red paper, scissors, minibrads, brown paper, pens and a 10 x 7 inch piece of light brown card stock. Card stock and minibrads are found at your local craft store. Minibrads are used to fasten paper together.

Fold your card stock in half to create a card. Draw a turkey on plain brown paper and cut out his basic shape. Glue strips of yellow, red and brown paper on his back to resemble feathers. The feathers should stick straight up. Glue a square piece of light brown paper directly on the card, but make this piece about 1 inch smaller than the card so you have a small amount of space at the bottom of the card. Cut out another square piece of tracing paper to place directly on top of the light brown paper.

Use minibrads to secure the 4 corners of the tracing paper. Glue your turkey on the middle of the tracing paper. Use a pen to draw on the turkeys legs. Then write the word "thankful" on a piece of light brown paper and cut out squares around each letter. Glue the letters at the bottom of the card. Use small turkey rubber stamps to decorate the inside of the card and leave extra room for writing a Thanksgiving message.

Tags: brown paper, light brown, tracing paper, construction paper, light brown paper