Cook With to Ayurveda Prinicples
Ayurveda means "knowledge of life." Ayurvedic principles provide guidelines for food choices, foods to achieve harmony as well as foods to avoid. Ayurveda promotes healthy balance in the body and mind. The ultimate goal of Ayurveda cooking is higher consciousness.
Ayurveda Cooking
1. Acquaint yourself with Ayurveda principles as a total health system and as a path to spiritual awareness. For Ayurveda cooking, there are three categories of foods that guide care of the body and mind. Selecting or avoiding Sattvic, Rajasic and Tamasic types of foods is key to Ayurveda dietary health.
2. Select Sattvic foods, which include organic fresh fruits and vegetables that are seasonally harvested. Other Sattvic staples are honey, legumes, dairy products and grains. Sattvic foods promote Sattva, a balanced and peaceful mind.
3. Add variety and spice to Ayurveda cooking with Rajasic foods that promote activity and creativity. Onions, peppers, curries, garlic, meat and fish, and caffeinated beverages all enhance Rajas. Use caution. If over-indulged, Rajasic foods can lead to restlessness.
4. Avoid Tamasic foods, the third category of foods described by Ayurvedic principles. Poultry, pork, alcohol and any processed or factory-farmed foods promote Tamas. Tamas stops the body and mind with inertia and overall inactivity.
5. Experience Ojas, harmonious physical, mental and spiritual health. Explore the rest of what Ayurveda offers the whole person.
Tags: Ayurveda cooking, body mind, Ayurveda Prinicples, Ayurvedic principles, Cook With, Cook With Ayurveda