Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Home Recipe For Roach Killer

Many people are trying to reduce the use of dangerous chemicals in their homes, seeking nontoxic alternatives that they can create themselves. The insecticides that have traditionally been used in the home can be replaced with substances far less dangerous to humans and pets. There are especially effective homemade roach control methods. Does this Spark an idea?

Boric Acid

Boric acid, although not widely known as a roach killer, is a substance that has likely been used effectively in this manner for hundreds of years. The specific way in which it kills roaches is a matter of debate, but homeowners don't care why. They just appreciate that roaches consume it and then also track it back into their nests and all over their eggs. Neither do roaches build an immunity to boric acid as they do other chemical insecticides.

Diatomaceous Earth

Diatomaceous earth, referred to as DE, is also an effective way of killing roaches. It is thought that it kills roaches both by contact and also when they consume the DE, eventually being killed by dehydration. DE is made up of finely milled fossilized shells of tiny organisms called diatoms. It is nontoxic, has no odor and is not dangerous to children and pets. DE is inexpensive and can be found at hardware stores and many places online.

Use Simple Recipes

Many homemade roach insecticide recipes add small amounts of common household foods to make the poison more attractive to the roaches. The recipes will also often put the materials to use in a way that makes them convenient for you as well as show you proper proportions and storage ideas. The Resources section gives a website with some of these recipes.

Tags: been used, homemade roach, kills roaches