Durum and buckwheat flours are botanically distinct.
Not only are durum wheat and buckwheat made into different types of flour for different uses, they are, botanically speaking, different types of plants altogether. Durum wheat is a cereal grass, while buckwheat is an herb, despite its inclusion in most cereal grain guides. Both flours have specialty cooking uses and are prized by professional chefs and home cooks alike. Does this Spark an idea?
Durum Flour
Durum wheat (Triticum turgidum) is a cereal grain belonging to the Poaceae family, which also includes crabgrass and bluegrass. Other species of Triticum include common wheat, bulgur, spelt and hard wheat, among many other varieties. Durum makes up an estimated 8 percent of the world's wheat in production and grows in the northern plain states in America. North Dakota grows 76 percent of the nation's supply, with Montana, South Dakota and Minnesota growing the rest.
Uses for Durum Flour
Most durum flour produces pasta.
A very hard wheat with a high gluten content, durum works well for some breads and for pasta. Cakes, on the other hand, rely on softer wheat to prevent toughness. Most often, durum flour is finely milled to produce semolina flour for pasta. The high gluten content gives semolina pasta a firm yet tender quality. Semolina flour has a slightly yellow tinge from the yellow endosperm of the durum wheat.
Belonging to the Polygonaceae family and the Fagopyrum genus, buckwheat (Polygonum convolvulus) is not a cereal grain or grass like durum wheat. Rather, it is an herb. Other members of the family include rhubarb and sorrel. Buckwheat originated in China and is considered a minor crop in the U.S.
Uses for Buckwheat
Buckwheat blossoms are long-blooming and contain high amounts of nectar, making them a favorite for beekeepers. Buckwheat flour in the U.S. is mixed with other flours and used primarily for buckwheat pancakes, which have a strong and somewhat nutty flavor. Russian blini pancakes, often topped with sour cream and Russian caviar, use buckwheat flour. Health-food advocates use buckwheat groats, the hulled and crushed kernels, and kasha, roasted groats, as breakfast cereals, in pilafs and in whole-grain salads.
Tags: cereal grain, different types, Durum Flour, gluten content, hard wheat