Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Natural Poultry Production Methods

No artificial ingredients may be used to produce natural poultry.

Poultry must meet certain production requirements set by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), to be labeled "natural." Poultry meat with no added color or artificial ingredients, that uses minimal production and processing, is considered natural and is allowed to include the natural label, along with an explanation of the label's meaning. There are differences between free range, natural and organic, so farmers must be aware of the differences before labeling their poultry products as such.

Natural Poultry Description

Natural poultry is poultry that contains no artificial ingredients or added colors and uses a minimal production process. Minimal production means the shape and form of the poultry product was not changed in a drastic way. For instance; a standard whole turkey or chicken breast is minimally produced, but a processed, reformed chicken nugget is not.

Natural versus Organic

While natural poultry limits adding color, artificial additives and processing, organic poultry is a stricter label that limits hormone and antibiotic use, feed and housing types. The differences between these designations are reflected in the labeling of a finished poultry product, and the farming processes it takes for the bird to be a ready-to-eat chicken product.

Poultry Housing

Since natural poultry does not place restrictions on the types of housing used to raise birds, farmers have more choice in types of barns or coops to raise their poultry. Cage systems and ventilated barns are acceptable, but free range and pastured birds become increasingly popular. Free range barns allow birds access to the outdoors and allow farmers to label their finished product "Free Range."


Limits on the feed types given to natural poultry are also loosely regulated, but restrict farmers from using artificial colors and ingredients. Natural chicken's largest determining factor is eliminating the usage of those unnatural ingredients. Feed birds food only made with whole ingredients. Fat, fiber, calcium, and protein are key ingredients to poultry feed.

Tags: artificial ingredients, color artificial, differences between, minimal production, natural poultry