Thursday, August 6, 2015

Rabbits Are Digging Under My Fence & Nesting In My Yard

Rabbits like this cottontail can easily dig under most fencing.

Wild rabbits can quickly destroy a garden, lawn or trees by stripping off the bark. Rabbits need to be kept out of a yard by chicken wire mesh fencing. The yard also needs modification to discourage rabbits from nesting there. Does this Spark an idea?


Wild rabbits will stay in yards that offer a lot of potential nesting sites and places to hide, including stone piles, piles of leaves and thick bushes. Remove these and rabbits will be less inclined to stay in a yard.


Wild rabbits can dig under most fencing, but are discouraged by chicken wire or poultry netting. The fence needs to be placed 4 inches deep into the ground in order for the rabbit to give up trying to dig under it, according to the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.


Fencing can be placed around gardens, shrubs and young trees. Shrubs and trees are especially vulnerable to rabbits in the winter because there is hardly anything else to eat. Be sure the fence is at least 2 feet high so the rabbit cannot jump over it.

Tags: Wild rabbits, chicken wire, most fencing, rabbits will, under most, under most fencing