Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Make A Compost Toilet

Traditional toilets waste thousands of gallons of water each year.

In many countries simply having a safe water supply greatly enhances quality of living. According to the EPA, in the United States alone over 4 gallons of water are wasted every day with each toilet flush. This adds up to 9.000 gallons of water per year for each American. Constructing affordable compost toilets where feasible goes a long way toward conserving precious water reserves. Learning make a compost toilet is straightforward and can be completed in a few hours for around $50. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Place a standard size toilet seat on top of the 18 x 18 x 3/4 inch plywood board. Make sure the toilet seat is at least 1 1/2 inches in from the board edge. Use the open hole in the middle of the toilet seat as a guide and trace the opening on to the board with the pencil.

2. Cut the pencil-traced hole out with the jigsaw. Your board will have a toilet shaped opening in the middle. This is your toilet seat.

3. Use the screw gun and screws to attach the hinges to 3 X 18 X 3/4 inch board. Place a hinge at each end with an optional one in the middle of the board. Join the plywood toilet seat to the other side of the hinges. Make sure the hinges are arranged so the seat will pull upward from the 3 X 18 inch board.

4. Screw a 10 X 18 X 1 inch plywood board to a 10 X 21 X 1 inch plywood board and repeat. The finished box will have the 10 X 21 X 1 inch boards left and right and the 10 X 18 X 1 inch boards will be front and back. The shorter boards create an indentation for the plywood top seat to fit.

5. Fasten the 4 wood legs in each corner of the box with screw gun and screws. This reinforces the box and gives it added strength. Position the plywood seat on top of the box inside the indentation.

6. Open the hinged seat and place 1 of the 5 gallon buckets in the box, under the seat. Once a bucket is filled, replace it with another. The extra buckets can be nearby to hold organic material to add to the bucket after each use.

7. Add organic brown material after each use. Brown organics are very dry and sawdust, hay straw, peat moss, rice hulls or even dry leaves. The bucket contents should be moist, but do not let them get too wet. Filled buckets are dumped to an outdoor bin to complete the composting process.

Tags: toilet seat, gallons water, inch plywood, inch plywood board, plywood board