This method for dry plucking your wild game ensures that all of the feathers are removed. Many people hunt for wild turkeys, pheasants, duck, and geese that are suitable for eating. Follow these steps to pluck your wild game and create a delicious meal.
1. Wash your hands thoroughly before handling wild game.
2. Note the direction that the feathers sit on the bird's skin. You will need to grab a small amount of feathers and quickly pull them in the opposite direction. Place the plucked feathers in a plastic bag.
3. Repeat the plucking action in the opposite direction that the feathers sit on the skin. If the skin starts to break you are grabbing too many feathers at once, simply grab and pluck a smaller amount.
4. Continue plucking until you remove most of the feathers and the skin is visible. Do not worry about the small amount of feathers that stay attached to the skin.
5. After most of the feathers have been removed use a sharp knife to remove the head and any other external part of the bird you will not be cooking.
6. Use a torch or a camp fire to sear the remaining feathers off the body of the bird.
7. Wash your hands thoroughly and put on latex gloves.
8. Use your sharp knife to make a small incision below the breast of the bird to remove the gizzards, liver and other internal organs you do not want to cook.
9. Rinse the bird, season and prepare for cooking.
Tags: that feathers, your wild game, amount feathers, direction that, direction that feathers