Friday, April 17, 2015

Select A Record From A Select Query In Access

Select a record from a select query by running the query in Access.

Access is the database component of the Microsoft Office suite. Use the Access queries to ask questions of your database. There are several Access queries available to pull data out of your database. Some of these are action, select, parameter and crosstab queries.

Select queries let you pick fields from tables to add to your Access query. Running the select query lets you pull data from the tables and display the results in a new Access query.


1. Open Access 2007 and select a database that contains tables. Select the "Office" button and "Open." Browse the computer and locate the database. Select the database and click "Open." The database opens.

2. Click on the Navigation Pane and click on the drop-down list. Select "Queries." Click on the "Create" button on the ribbon and select "Query Design." The Show Table dialog box appears. Add tables to the query by clicking on the table and clicking "Add." Select "Close."

3. Select records to add to your select query by double-clicking on the records in the query. Run the query by clicking on the "Run" button in the ribbon. View your query results. Depending on the records used in the query, you have just selected records using the Select Query in Access.

4. Save your query by clicking on the "Save" icon on the Quick Access Toolbar. Your query will appear in the Query listing on the Navigation Pane.

Tags: query clicking, select query, Access queries, Access query, button ribbon, from tables