Decorate your trailer house inexpensively.
Decorating a trailer house does not have to be expensive. If you shop for gently used items, no one will know you did not spend a small fortune decorating your home. Find matching items for each room in your trailer house. Decide if you want to decorate each room differently or if you want the whole trailer house decorated in the same style.
Typically, paneling in trailer houses has seams. Many people do not enjoy the look of dark seams on their walls. Spackle is inexpensive and fills the seams on the paneling, creating a smooth surface. Scrape off excess spackling with a putty knife, as this creates the illusion of a smooth wall. Allow the spackling to dry before applying paint to the walls.
An inexpensive coat of paint on the wooden paneling on the walls will make the paneling resemble drywall. Paint the walls in your trailer house a light color to create the illusion of a larger room. This allows you to change the color and decor of the room you painted.
Hang shelving above windows, doorways and on the walls in your trailer house. Shelving allows you to display your knickknacks and photos and creates more storage. You may wish to hang a shelf above your kitchen sink to hold items, and a different shelf above the kitchen window to display your knickknacks. Shelving comes in a variety of sizes and colors to match your decor needs.
Decorate the rooms in the trailer house around a theme. You may wish to have your kitchen display a grape theme and your living room a purple and gold theme. Purchase items inexpensively at thrift stores and consignment stores. You may wish to have one theme throughout the entire trailer house or a different theme in each room.
Furniture Covers
Furniture covers allow you to cheaply change the look of the furniture in your trailer house. If your furniture does not match, this option allows you to cheaply create matching furniture. You do not need to replace your furniture when decorating on a budget.
If the flooring in your trailer house needs a makeover, purchase area rugs. Area rugs typically cover most of the floor in a room and instantly decorate a room. You may wish to purchase gently used area rugs inexpensively. Select area rugs to match the colors and decor of the rooms in your trailer house.
Tags: trailer house, your trailer house, your trailer, each room, area rugs, display your