Garcinia fruit is a natural fruit that grows native to India and other parts of Asia. It has a sour taste that is used as an additive to many Asian dishes. Indian folklore has long touted the garcinia fruit for treatment of a wide array of afflictions. Add this to my Recipe Box.
Basic Facts
The seedy garcinia fruit can be found in India and other places in Southeast Asia at elevations of less than 5,000 feet. Unripe garcinia fruit will be white on the inside and lime green on the outside. When ripe, it will turn purple or red on the outside and more fully white on the inside.
The fruit must be dried before being used since the taste is far too overpowering when the fruit is ripe. The fruit is dried in the sun, then scraped with the rind into a powder which can be used by itself, or mixed with liquid to form a sour condiment mush.
Garcinia fruit is most often used as a condiment to add sour to a dish but is also used as a natural treatment for several different conditions. This fruit has become popular recently as an appetite suppressant and a natural aid in weight loss.
Indian Alternative Medicine
While not scientifically proven, garcinia fruit is considered a useful folk medicine in Indian culture. The most common uses are for digestive complaints, rheumatism and general heart health.
Alternative Names
Other names for the garcinia fruit include garcinia cambogia, malabar tamarind, brindal berry, gambooge, and vrikshamla. Despite these other names, garcinia is still the most commonly used name for this fruit.
Tags: garcinia fruit, India other, names garcinia, white inside