Thursday, November 5, 2015

Directions For Making Pillows

Personalize your furniture with decorative accent pillows.

Sewing custom pillows from your favorite fabrics allows you to update and personalize your furniture and bedding. Create casual throw pillows for lounging, formal pillows to dress up the sofa, or decorative pillows to adorn the bed. Add trim, accessories and embellishments on custom pillows to reveal your personality to visitors. Sew pillows of any size or shape with the same basic directions and allow your imagination to guide your designs. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Cut two pieces of fabric 1 inch larger than the size of the pillow you want to make.

2. Place a drinking glass on each corner of the fabric and trace the glass with a pencil, to create rounded edges.

3. Cut the fabric along the pencil lines.

4. Set your sewing machine to the zigzag stitch and sew the edges of the fabric to prevent fraying.

5. Place trim along the edges of one piece of fabric, if desired. Position the trim on the printed side of the fabric with the sewing edge pointing out and the decorative side pointing toward the inside of the pillow. Pin the trim in place with straight pins, carefully laying the trim flat without pulling or stretching.

6. Lay the second piece of fabric on the first with the printed, finished sides of the fabric pieces facing each other. Pin the pieces together along the edges without stretching or forcing the fabric.

7. Sew three sides of the pillow with enough seam allowance to cover the trim, removing the pins as you move along the sides. Sew the fourth side only partially, leaving enough open to turn the pillow right side out and fill the pillow.

8. Pull the pillow through the unfinished section so that the printed side of the fabric is now on the outside and the stitches are on the inside of the pillow.

9. Fill the pillow with the filling of your choice and close the hole with a hand stitch.

Tags: along edges, custom pillows, edges fabric, inside pillow, piece fabric, pillow with