Chicken stock is the basis for many soups and sauces. It provides a depth of flavor to the finished meal that isn't possible to achieve with plain water. Making your own stock or broth from chicken carcasses is simple and inexpensive, but it's hard to use up the large quantity in a single meal. Storing the stock properly for later use allows you to utilize it all without any waste or concerns of spoilage. Add this to my Recipe Box.
1. Place a fine mesh sieve on top a storage bowl. Pour the stock through the sieve, removing any bones or chicken pieces so only clear stock remains in the bowl.
2. Cover the bowl and place it in the refrigerator. Allow it to cool completely, which usually takes three to four hours.
3. Remove the lid and skim the congealed fat from the top of the stock with a spoon. Discard the fat and recover the bowl.
4. Store the broth in the refrigerator for up to three days. Alternately, freeze in 1-cup containers for two to three months.