Much like boiling an egg, cooking rice should be one of the simplest culinary tasks and well within the grasp of even the most inexperienced or inept cook. Many people have trouble getting it right, however, and are left with rice that is either overdone, underdone, starchy and stuck together. Long-grain rice, as the name suggests, is long and thin and is one of the more expensive varieties available. Sticking to a few simple guidelines will give you a perfectly cooked accompaniment to any dish every time. Add this to my Recipe Box.
1. Place the rice in an empty saucepan and rinse thoroughly with cold running water.
2. Drain the rice with the colander and rinse again twice.
3. Add 12 fluid ounces (350ml) of water to the rice in the saucepan. Multiply measurements for larger servings.
4. Turn your burner to its maximum heat and bring the rice to the boil uncovered.
5. Reduce the heat until the water is gently simmering and cover the saucepan with a lid.
6. Allow the rice to simmer for 15 to 20 minutes, depending upon how firm you like your grains. Leave the rice covered while it cooks.
7. Drain the rice with the colander and fluff with a fork before serving.
Tags: Drain rice, Drain rice with, rice with, rice with colander, with colander