Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Make Liquid Olive Oil Soap

Make your own liquid olive oil soap with your favorite scented fragrance oil.

Liquid olive oil soap, otherwise known as Castile soap, helps to moisturize dry skin. Blending the olive oil with other oils and ingredients creates a rich lather and adds different qualities to the soap. If you do not want to purchase soap with chemicals and additives from the store, you can make your own at home to save money and help the environment.


1. Weigh the oils on a digital scale. Soap recipes are measured by weight instead of volume. Zero the scale each time to ensure that you have the appropriate measurements.

2. Place the oils into a pot over medium heat. Add 32 oz. of water to the mixture. Heat the oils slowly and stir frequently. Place a digital thermometer in the pot and maintain a temperature of 140 degrees F.

3. Combine the lye into the oil and water mixture with a stick blender. Stir gently to dissolve the lye and continue to stir until a thick texture forms. Stir the lye and water until you can no longer stir it due to its thickness.

4. Reduce the heat to medium-low. Stir the soap mixture until it appears translucent. This may take 3 to 4 hours.

5. Inspect the soap once it appears translucent and thick like honey. You can test the soap to see if you can safely remove it from the heat source. Boil 1 cup of water and add 1 tbsp. of the soap. If the water looks cloudy, then you will need to keep the soap mixture heated.

6. Pour the soap into a large cooking pot. Add 10 cups of boiling water to the mixture. Allow the soap mixture to sit overnight.

7. Stir the mixture the next day. Pour the liquid soap into containers with lids. Allow the soap to cure for four weeks in a dark and cool environment.

8. Add the fragrance oil to the soap. Stir the mixture with a spoon to mix the fragrance oil into the soap. Pour the soap into soap pumps, and store any leftovers in the plastic containers in a cool and dark location.

Tags: soap into, soap mixture, water mixture, Allow soap, appears translucent, into soap, mixture with